The foundation of a productive and healthy herd, our cubicle beds are structurally designed and certified by the Department of Agriculture, ensuring top-quality and compliance with industry standards. For farms with specific layout requirements, we offer cubicle beds with or without post holder inserts.

Single Cubicle Beds

The dimensions of our popular 7′, 7’6″, and 8′ long cubicle beds are optimised for cattle comfort. With a width of 45 inches (1140mm), a height of 12 inches (300mm) at the cow’s head, and 8 inches (200mm) at the tail, these beds provide the perfect slope for animal wellbeing and easy cleaning. Available with or without post holders.

Head-to-Head Cubicle Beds

Our innovative head-to-head suspended cubicle beds, available in lengths from 13′ to 15’6″, are ideal for spanning centre tanks, maximising slurry storage beneath the beds. 

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